Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cleansing the Inner Vessel

We went to a class called "How to Lose Your Abs" the last day on the cruise. Well, it really had nothing to do with Abs at all, but talked about detoxification. It was actually a very good class, but they were trying to promote thier "detox" program that is very expensive.

Anyway, so I decided when I got home that I would do a detox. I talked to my friend, Mandy, who is a nutritionist, and she told me to do an "all natural" detox. I was told to eat ONLY fruits, veggies, 100% juice, and water...absolutely nothing else. (no salt, no pepper, no ranch!)
I started on a Wednesday. I woke up and had an orange for breakfast, followed by a mid morning smoothie. For lunch, I had a bowl of carrots, brocoli, cucumbers, and green peppers. I helped get those down with a glass of V8. It was not fun. In the afternoon, I had another fruit and veggie smoothie and then 6 oclock rolled around and I was getting very "weak".....mentally, that is...I kept thinking of pizza, hamburgers, fries, chips, Dr. Pepper. And that's when it all went down hill. I was done with my 3 day detox. The problem is that it only last 10 hours. But, I guess I ate healthy for one day, and I am now making the healthy smoothies regularly and my boys also drink them with me.
Don't you worry, I will try a detox again in the near future, but I dont' know if it will be "all natural". I am looking into some different options!


Carrie said...

all those fruits and veggies look so good. Keep me updated on what you decided to do next. :)

Jordan said...

Is there a Dr. Pepper Detox? I could do that one.