Wednesday, April 17, 2013


A few weeks ago, I read my patriarchal blessing again.  I have been promised sons and daughters and it talks in depth about what Bryce and I need to do while I am carrying these children prior to their birth.  I have been constantly trying to think and ponder about what this means.  

This last week and a half, I have been reading a book called Facing the Giants.  It is about a football coach that has a losing record for the last 6 years and he is getting frustrated and tired.  One day, a man at his high school stops him in the halls and says, “I heard a story about two farmers who desperately needed rain. They both prayed for rain, but only one farmer went out and prepared his field to receive it. Which farmer do you think trusted God to send rain? The farmer who prepared for it. 

This story really impacted me.  I really would like to have another child in my home and in my family, but I have I prepared myself for it? As I have thought more about it, I have contemplated as to how to “prepare” myself….spiritually, physically, and mentally, and emotionally.  Physically, I have been trying to prepare my body to get pregnant for the past 18 months.  I have spent hours at the gym and have lost weight and tried to make better choices.

Mentally and emotionally I think I will be fine, though I find myself wondering about the demands of a new baby.  I also worry about bringing more children into this world that has become so wicked.  However, I know that the “choicest” spirits have been chosen for this time and I would like to help raise those special ones saved for the last days.

I think the spiritual preparedness is really crucial.  I keep thinking about how I can prepare myself spiritually to have another child come into our home.  I have tried to make my scripture study more meaningful.  I have asked Heavenly Father to give me inspiration and guidance as I read the words from prophets.  

I came across a scripture that I have heard and read many times, but it hit me differently this time. Doctrine and Covenants 109:8 “Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, and a house of God.” I felt like that is one area that I can be prepared in…making our home suitable to have another Child of God enter into it. 

Bryce and I have really made an effort this past year to hold FHE almost every Monday.  We have also tried to have family prayer and scripture reading each night before the kids go to bed.  We definitely have areas that could use some improvement, but we are doing better than we were a year ago and I feel like it makes a difference.  

As I went back to my patriarchal blessing today, I noticed that it talks about how I will receive insights so that I can prepare myself.  It also talks about how Bryce and I can work together to “prepare those things needful” for the coming of our children.  It also mentions that my preparation prior to their birth is imperative.  It has been really interesting to see how I have received knowledge and guidance these past couple of months. I am thankful that Heavenly Father is watchful of me and our family.

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