Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Time

My favorite holiday is Christmas and there are so many reasons that I love Christmas. This year I have been trying to figure out how to teach Cooper the "true meaning of Christmas" and what it is all about. We have talked alot about the birth of the Jesus, but it is so hard to make them understand it is not about the presents.

It is so easy to get wrapped up in the shopping and craziness of the holidays. I am in charge of the "Angel Tree" at our church this year and it has been neat to see the church members be so willing and excited to give to others who are in need. There are so many things that we can do during the season to help others... Give money or food to the homeless....donate gifts and money to angel tree sponsors...donate change to the salvation army...visit the elderly...and the list goes on and on.

I am so thankful for my Saviour. I am thankful for his perfect example. I am grateful that we have this time of year to celebrate and focus on His birth and His life. and I am thankful that I have the opportunity to teach Cooper about Jesus and how special He is.

I thought it would be fun to write about a few of my Christmas Favorites:
Song: "O Holy Night"
House Lights Color: Blue (i always loved it when my dad would put up blue lights on our house)

Tree Lights: White
Tree: I have a fake tree, but I prefer the Real Thing( i love the smell)

Childhood Traditions: we would do acts of kindness during the month of December and then we would get to place a peice of straw under baby Jesus in the nativity would make treats and we would carol to our neighbors....we would go pick out our Christmas tree at the tree farm out in the country...acting out the story of the "birth of Jesus".....waiting in the hall Christmas morning before dad would let us come out and see what Santa brought us...

Childhood Gifts: pads and with a banana seat
Adult Traditions: Wrapping presents on Christmas Eve with my family..collecting nativity scenes.....watching the Christmas shows in December

Tradition w/Cooper: the elf "Jingle Bell' brings him pajamas on Christmas Eve...acting out the "birth of Jesus"...angel tree gifts....

I really love Christmas is such a happy time of year...we have had a great time decorating the tree...making sugar cookies...wrapping presents....making Christmas crafts....going to Christmas parties...eating lots of great food...and using my awesome advent calendars(like the one below that Jocelynn made for me)...listening to Christmas music...and going for hay rides while looking at the city Christmas lights....
Do you have any great traditions you would like to recommend?


Julee said...

Hi, I love Christmas and making wonderful memories through fun traditions!
Hey lets get together soon! In fact lets plan it. Give me a call.

Charee B Mcclellan said...

love the tree and the countdown. did you make that? i really want to make one, let me know if and how you did that. love this post.

Shayne said...

We like to get family together. We start by passing out pennies. Then a special person is asked to play hot cross buns on the recorder and people do a little dance while it is played. At the end we tell of a tradition the began in the days of yore. Hot cross buns are then given to family members for a penny each. So, with this tradition you get music, dancing, family togetherness and food. You can't beat it.

Carrie said...

this is a great post Jenn! Your tree looks great. We can't wait to see you all on Saturday. Olivia's excited to see Tooper...

jenhatch said...

loved the post and the pictures.... and I apologize for my husband and his penny post!!

oh yeah, thanks for OUR advent calendar Jocelynn!!! ;)