Monday, May 17, 2010


Cooper came down with a bug this afternoon and I was pretty worried about him. His head hurt really bad and he was dizzy. I layed him down and put a blanket on him. He fell asleep for about an hour and when he woke, he had a high fever.

After talking to him, we decided that dad would give Cooper a priesthood blessing. Well, it ends up that dad got tied up at work and Coopers head was really causing him some pain, so he asked if Jared would give him a blessing. The blessing was beautiful and Cooper was told that he would be better soon and that his body would heal if he had faith.

After the blessing, I talked to him about having faith and believing he could be healed. He said, "I know I can be healed. I believe in Jesus Christ. Mom, I was going to cry in the blessing." I asked him why. He said, " because it was so good. Sometimes we cry because things are so bootiful." As you can imagine, that made me tear up. He is such an angel and I have so much to learn from him.


Carrie said...

He's such a great kid. It shows how well you and Bryce have taught him.

I hope he does get feeling better SOON. Sick kids are NO FUN.

Shearmommie said...

What a testimony builder! Little kids have so much more faith than us big kids. Hope he starts feeling better soon!

Sara said...

Sorry he is sick and I hope that he gets feeling better quickly. You are so blessed with such amazing kids.

Jordan said...

Oh my goodness! How sweet.

Marilyn said...

We've always known he was a special little boy. Thanks for sharing his and your faith with us.

Brandon Douglas said...

What a good little faithful boy! He is a true blessing to our family. Love you Cooper.