Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Last Sunday, March 15, Bryce was very sick with throw-up and his stomach was hurting. I was babysitting Tawni and Ty at that time and so I took off back to Logan that afternoon to take them home. I kept checking in with Bryce to make sure he was doing Ok. Well, all the feedback I was getting from him was "my guts hurt". I wasn't too worried too much because Bryce's guts hurt quite often. Around 8 pm that night he calls me to tell me that Brad (bro-in-law) is going to take him to the emergency room. So, I started to get a little worried, but Bryce told me to wait till he found something out. Brad and Bryce sat in the waiting room from 9 pm to 12 am. Finally they got into see a doctor. He came in and said I am almost positive you have an appendicitus.
This is when Bryce received his "First Ever" CAT scan and IV. I arrived at the hospital around one o'clock. Bryce received a preisthood blessing from two of his friends (Jared and Jarom). They also gave him some pretty good drugs to take away the pain. We finally got into a room at 3:30 am. The nurses came in and out all morning making sure Bryce was fine. I had to sleep on a crappy fold out chair. Yet, I maybe slept for one hour! The whole morning I kept thinking, " I really wish I had some of Bryce's medicine to help me sleep. And I really want to go lay by bryce on the big hospital bed that is soft and warm." Funny what your mind thinks up when you are sleep deprived.

Bryce went into for his "First Ever" surgery on Monday morning at 8:30. He did a great job and it only took about 45 min for the whole procedure. He had a very infected appendix, but they got it in time. I am glad that he is feeling better. I have had three surgeries myself, but I never realized how much you can worry about someone when they have surgery until I was sending bryce into surgery. The best part about the whole thing was the time we got to have him home with us last week. It was nice to have him there in the mornings. I am thankful for my husband. He is a good friend and father and Cooper and I are blessed to have him in our lives. Love you Bryce!

I want to thank Roger and Marilyn for calling to check up on Bryce. And thank Carrie for calling and asking him questions about how he felt and then making him go to the hospital...Thank you Brad for taking Bryce to the hospital and staying up all night with him and keeping his worried wife informed...Thank you Jared and Jarom for giving him a blessing and being there for him...Thank you Jacqui for watching Cooper while I was up at the hospital with Bryce...and thank you family and friends who called or texted us to ask about Bryce....we have the best family and friends! Thanks for all you do!


Julee said...

I hope Bryce gets better soon, I'm also glad things went well. Let's get together soon! :)

Charee B Mcclellan said...

bryce looks so sweet in that hospital bed...soon he will be sleeping on one of those sorta couch/beds in the Labor and delivery room....how fun it that???!!!! glad that you guys are doing well now.

Shayne said...

I am glad Bryce is all better. It is no fun being in the hospital. By the way, you are right. The fold out chairs are so uncomfortable. Every time I have stayed at the hopital when we have had a kid, I have felt like I was physically beat the next morning. They are the worst.

Shannon said...

Happy Birthday Cooper! Hope you guys are all having a great day. We love ya.
Shannon and Ryan