Monday, October 29, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

Two night before Halloween, we decided we better get the pumpkins carved.  I didn't think the boys really cared one way or the other, but they let me know that they were wanting to carve them.  At first, Clayton wanted nothing to do with digging the seeds and mess out with his hands.  As soon as he saw Cooper doing it, he became OK with the idea and he actually enjoyed it.
 Bryce thought it was funny to watch Clayton concentrate with his tongue out...just like Mom!
Bryce and I did most of the carving.  Cooper really wanted to try and carve his own pumpkin.  His facial expressions were funny as he was trying to manuever the knife through the pumpkin.  Bryce was a little concerned so he finished the carving for him.  I ended up carving an Texas A&M pumpkin and it turned out great. 
The best part of course, is when we light the pumpkins and watch them glow in the dark.  The boys were excited about this part.  It's a good thing we only carved them two days before Halloween, because they were already drooping and getting mushy by November 1st.

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