Sunday, December 30, 2012

Aunts and Uncles

The boys had a great time with their Aunts and Uncles while in TExas.  We did so many fun activities and my brothers and sisters were so loving and kind to Cooper and Clayton.  
 Uncle Sean and Aunt Kellye got to know Cooper and Clayton's personalities a lot better.  They spent almost the entire time in College Station with us and that was so much fun.

 Tyler and I took the kids to the park to play.  They decided to go on a walk through the woods.  This was one of Cooper's favorite things he did while in Texas!
 Clayton hanging out with Uncle Shayne...I always thought they resembled each other.  We didn't get to spend much time with Uncle Shayne, but the boys still got to know him a little better.
 Aunt Sherrie let us come stay at her house for a few days before Christmas.   She also took the boys to the movie theater along with Aunt Jen.  The boys had a great time!
Uncle Tyler is the best because he isn't married yet, so he can give lots of undivided attention to the kids and they all love to play with him.

I just love my siblings and their spouses.  They are such good examples to me and my kids.  One thing that I have always loved about my family is that they love children. My brothers and sisters are so good with kids and I think that is a great quality.  I am thankful that my children have such amazing Aunts and Uncles that care so much about them. 

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