Sunday, December 5, 2010

Clayton 15 months Old

Clayton is not the best eater in the world. In fact, most days, I am not quite sure what to feed him. Its hit and miss with him. One day he will like the food and then next day he won't. Anyway, Bryce and Cooper love corndogs from our local gas station and so one day I got one for Clayton too and he loves them also. I usually help him with the meat, but its cute to watch him try to eat it. I have yet to mention that Clayton started walking when he was 13 months old. He started off pretty slow but seems to be picking it up. He takes tiny little steps and likes to wobble back and forth like a penguin.
This past week, Clayton's third tooth popped through. It is crazy that he only has three teeth, but I guess it will help with less cavities in the long run.

Clayton loves to throw things down our banister all the time. He goes to the "craft" drawer, pulls out paints and brushes and markers and tosses downstairs. He loves to play in the dishwasher and lately I have been finding forks and spoons all over the house. His favorite game is taking the little Electrosol dishwashing packets and putting them in my pots and then taking them out, over and over again.

He is a very clingy little guy, so I can think of lots of fun things to keep him entertained for a minute or two. He loves to brush his teeth in the morning, pull my shoes out of my closet and rummage through my bathroom basket under the sink.

He loves taking baths, so we do that everyday. In fact, the other day, I had gotten him out and dressed him in his pajamas. I left the room for a second and when I came back he was in the tub with Cooper.

This morning at 6:30 am, I woke up to Clayton coughing uncontrolably and went in to see what was wrong with him. He was having a real hard time catching his breath. He sounded like a duck. It really scared me, so I picked him up and took him into Bryce. We decided to take him into instacare. The doctor said he has crupe. He didn't have a fever and he was happy. The doctor gave him some steroids, so hopefully he will be back on his feet soon!


Charee B Mcclellan said...

That is totally funny about him getting in the tub with his jammies on. That exact thing happened a couple weeks ago with davin. I had to go through the whole process again. Kinda funny. ALSO, i HATE croup. It sounds so much worse then it really is..but still not cool. UGH, good luck with that. He is SOO cute!

Carrie said...

I love the bath picture and the corn dog picture. He is such a mellow and happy child. Always has a quick smile.

I'm sorry he has croup. Olivia has it too. She woke up about midnight on Saturday night completely unable to breathe. We gave her a quick albuterol treatment and a blessing and she's doing much better. I wonder if they both picked it up at Thanksgiving?

Marilyn said...

Sorry to say that Clayton and Olivia inherited the croup from Grandma. I had it all the time when I was growing up. Carrie had it often also. It's a family gene thing. Sorry about passing along a bad one. Hope he's feeling better really soon.
Love, Mom

Julee said...

Seriously, Clayton is sloop cute!!

Julee said...

Lol!! Sooooo cute!!

Julee said...

On my phone if it doesn't recognize the word such as soooo it will add a letter or two, too funny!!

jenhatch said...

He is so dadgum CUTE!! love the sleeper in the tub picture! Looks like something Coco would do (that is if she would let me put sleepers on her, I guess she feels so constrained!)

Anyhow, this isn't about my crazy, but your cute boy! I can't believe he's that big!!