Saturday, December 18, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things....

CHRISTMAS TREES- I love to look at Christmas trees. I prefer real trees because they smell so good, but this year we put up our fake tree. I love waking up in the morning to a beautiful, brightly lit tree. There is just something about the house being dark, but the tree being so bright. It just makes me happy. This year we had to put the ornaments half way up the tree because Clayton kept taking them off.

NATIVITY SCENES- The last couple of years, I have started collecting nativity scenes. They portray the meaning of Christmas so well, so I like having them in each of our rooms during Christmas. I have seven so far and I love every single one of them.
LIGHTS- I love to see Christmas lights and my favorite color is blue. When I was young, my dad would put up blue lights on our house and I thought it was great. We have only put lights up on our house once, but its seems like it is so freezing and snowy that it is hard to pick the perfect day to put lights up. This year, Jacqui and I took the kids up to Willard Bay to look at the lights. They have thousands of lights and different themes. We drove through the park and then took the kids on a horse drawn hay ride through them again. We drank hot chocolate and the kids sat on Santas lap. The kids had a great time.Up at the Roy City offices, they put up the most beautiful lights every year. They cover all the trees in the area and its one of the most beautiful things to look at during the holidays. We went with our friends, the Casebolts, to walk around in the rainy, drenched fields to look at the lights.
This green tree is by far one of my favorites. They have really cool lights on it! It was so cold that night, that we didn't stay out for long. Clayton did not like the cold weather. He was ready to get back to the car.

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