Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Time Out For Women

A few weeks ago, some friends and I went down to Salt Lake to have a little "gettaway" and go to Time Out for Women. Time Out for Women is a day filled with messages of inspiration from respected authors and music artists from Deseret book. Its time spent listening to uplifting talks that help us learn more about others and about ourselves.

My sister is actually that one that called to see if we wanted to go. She ended up getting very very sick and could not come down and join us. We missed her dearly and wished she was with us, but I am glad she feeling better now.

There were many great speakers that were very inspiring and helped me to want to be a better person and a better mom, wife, and friend.

I learned from some of the speakers that:

-its a good thing to have a family mission statement and to give your kids ownership around the house; i need to live in the moment; be the best mom I can be for my kids
-"after all we can do" means after all Jesus and myself can do, NOT after all I can do

-President Monson is a "real, down-to-earth" person just like the rest of us and he truly cares for individuals

- we need to "see a good day", not have a good day

-everyone has trials and you never know what someone else might be going through- be a little more kind
It was alot of fun to spend time with friends. Things I want to remember about the trip: "Five Guys Burgers (lots of fries and good burgers), crazy hotel neighbors keeping Holly up till 4 am, sparkling cider and lots of pictures, old homeless Indian in Burger King asks Amy what tribe she was from and she wanted to answer Mannaseh but instead bought him breakfast, passing chocolate and candy around during speakers; jacqui gettting sick; eating pizza at Red Rock Cafe; and driving home in snow storm;


Rachelle said...

I like that, "see a good day" . . . I'll have to remember that one.

jenhatch said...

So fun that you were able to do that!! i really wanted to go to ours down here. Thanks for passing on the things you learned!!

Amy said...

I love this post!!! It was such a fun weekend... I really needed it! Logan's TOFW is in February! Just around the corner! :)